The 5th meeting on the ASO-S expanded application objectives was held in Dalian


On September 24-25, 2021, the fifth meeting on ASO-S expansion and application goals was held in Dalian. About 30 representatives from major domestic space weather research and forecasting institutions and the ASO-S satellite project system, science system, scientific application system and ground support system attended the meeting. The Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the chief satellite scientist, hosted the meeting.

The ASO-S has three specific scientific goals and one expanded application goal. Its expanded application goal is to provide support for space weather forecasting. As early as the end of 2017, the project team held the first seminar on how to achieve the ASO-S expanded application goals, clarified the work ideas and established a working team.

At the meeting, Dr. Feng Li, convener of ASO-S expanded application objectives, first made the theme report of the meeting, "ASO-S expanded target focus, CME and other forecasting implementation plans and task decomposition", then each forecasting team combined their own capabilities to make ”An assumption of space weather forecasting and warning based on ASO-S data", and put forward specific needs and requirements. After that, specific discussions will be held on the implementation plan to clarify the status, steps and schedule to be reached before satellite launch, and minutes of meeting will be formed.

Before the meeting, on September 23-24, the chief scientist of ASO-S satellite also organized the “2021 Scientific Work Conference of ASO-S Program” in Dalian. The meeting comprehensively checked the research and development progress of various parts related to science, discussed the important issues related to the ASO-S science before and after the satellite launch, to ensure that the scientific preparation of the ASO-S matches the progress of ASO-S satellite hardware development.

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